Month Two on the MyBuBelly Plan

Becoming a mother to our beautiful baby was not the easiest journey, it was probably one of the toughest things that we have ever been through. You may or may not know, but we have been trying to conceive another baby for over two years and it has been quite an emotional journey to say the least. Just like the first time around.

Over the last two years we have been through a lot of heartache. We have had one negative test after another. Some months I would be more than two weeks late and showed signs of being pregnant, but just as there is hope we find ourselves heartbroken. Another month we had our first positive pregnancy test, we were so excited. After more than a year of heartbreak we finally had a positive. Our joy and happiness wasn't meant to be which made the heartbreak for us so much harder.

As heartbreaking as it was for us, we wanted to keep a positive mindset and hope that our day for another baby and a sibling for our daughter was coming. We have been making some big lifestyle changes to help improve our chances and one of these changes was starting the MyBuBelly program. For those that don't know the MyBuBelly program is a fertility boosting program that is a natural and ethical way to choose the gender of your baby. It's a simple and straightforward program to help nature in the right direction. By making simple changes to your diet, taking supplements and boost your overall well-being can help determine the gender of your baby.

We decided on the girl method that combines a dietary programme to achieve and stabilise an acidic urinary pH. But it also focuses on cycle monitoring to target ovulation and conceive a baby girl on the right dates. We have been on the program just over two months now and in a nutshell, so far so good. 

Over the last two months the MyBuBelly plan has made such a change to my life, and it seems to be fitting well into my daily routine. I am more than comfortable with taking my supplements and vitamins, however I am still finding the Calcium sachets hard to stomach even with compote! Nothing seems to help those sachets go down easy, one thing that I would probably suggest to MyBuBelly is make this one in a tablet form. I have no problems whatsoever with the daily Magnesium sachets. I actually like the taste of that one, it's like sherbet! On the girl program I do have to take a regular folic acid supplement, something that I did on a daily basis even before MyBuBelly plan. So no worries there. 

In addition to the supplements and the vitamins I have to undergo regular pH measurements and when the time is right begin testing for my ovulation. So with the pH this month I have a monthly average of 6 so I am really happy with my progress - I think that there is still a long way to go getting an optimal measurement for the MyBuBelly method but it's a step in the right direction.

If I am honest before starting the MyBuBelly program, ovulating was a little concern. I wasn't convinced that I was ovulating every month and every test that I would take would result in a negative for ovulation. The ovulation tests that are available on the market are not suitable for the MyBuBelly method. Their sensitivity level isn’t the same, which can cause a discrepancy in the calculation of dates. That’s why there are 10 tests in my MyBuBelly box with 5 more than I would need, so that I’ll never run out. The ovulation tests should be used from the very start of the method, to help targeting ovulation. But Eve suggests that I should only test on the second visit to the bathroom in the mornings or before 12pm. After taking the test, I then take a quick snap and then upload to the MyBuBelly app. Then wait for an email from Eve who will tell me the results of the test and let me know if I need to continue with testing. This month, it seemed as if I ovulated earlier than usual. 

The MyBuBelly plan is fitting into my lifestyle very well and I have finally got my head around the regular pH testing and ovulation. I have a better understanding of the natural signs of ovulation, something that I didn't before the MyBuBelly plan. It seems as if I am actually ovulating each month, so the next month I need to focus on the diet and begin to experiment more with recipes. As at the moment my diet is a little bland and not too exciting, I don't want to get bored of the food that I am eating. So I have asked Eve for a little assistance in the diet area and about ways I can drink more milk on the plan. 

Don't forget to read our other posts with the MyBuBelly plan

~ This is a partnership post with MyBuBelly ~