The Christmas holidays are just around the corner and so it's time to start thinking about preparing for guests staying with you. But before the quality time with our nearest and dearest can begin - we need to sort our guest room. The guest room is full of clothes, a baby bath, rocking chair and the ironing board so the guest bedroom needs a little love. By taking part in the Bed Guru's #GuestBedReady campaign has given the perfect excuse to de-clutter, clean and get the room ready for our guests over the Christmas holiday.
When it comes to preparing for guest, creating a space for your guests in your home involves much more than providing a comfortable place to sleep, it's the perfect opportunity to make them feel welcome and ensure that the time that they do spend with you is far more memorable. Spending a little time preparing for their arrival will allow you more to spend more quality with them to indulge in food, chocolate and lots of fizz. The area of your home your guest will spend the most time is the guest room, so make sure that you spend some time ensuring that the room is ready.
1. Start with the Bed
The #GuestBedReady can start with the bed, last month we decided to get rid of our double bed so the main focus of the bedroom is of course a bed, I always prefer a normal divan bed for the spare bedroom because they can come with storage drawers underneath which is perfect for storing the spare bedding. Bed Guru is an online bed retailer who are sleep specialists, they understand that no two people share the same sleeping requirements which is why there is a great selection of choices for guest beds with the Bed Guru. For our guest room, a divan bed works well, as you can pop all bedding and towels into the drawers so that they are easily accessible but a guest wouldn’t even know that they are there and a Bed Guru guest bed fit nicely.
2. Deep Clean
It's best to start with the beds by stripping the duvets, bed sheets and pillow cases and place them in the wash and while they are being washed it gives your mattress a chance to breathe. Just before you put your bed spread back on, vacuum and add a spritz of fabric freshener to keep any odours at bay. Dust the bedside units, chest of drawers and wardrobes and add more coat hangers and remove any clothing that may be in there. As you move the furniture make sure you keep an eye out for those dust bunnies and suck them up into the vacuum and don't forget the ceiling and skirting boards. Next you will need to check the window, curtain and/or blind, normally I like to take curtains and net curtain down and pop them into a wash so that they are nice and fresh for our guests.
3. Fresh Bedding
When it comes to being a guest, there's nothing more welcoming than fresh bedding. Whether this means getting brand new bedding, or using bed spread that you already have, always wash the bedding before a guest arrives so that the sheets feel and smell freshly laundered. When making up their bed provide more than enough pillows, two medium or firm and two soft and use cotton or linen sheets. Beyond clean bedding, think about adding luxurious bed throws and comfort items such as a feather mattress topper, a choice of pillows, a cosy down comforter, extra blankets, and freshly ironed pillowcases. Now don't forget to provide your guest with lots of fresh white towels for their stay and make sure that new ones are available at all times.
4. The Bedside Table
A bedside table is a necessity and therefore it will need to be fully equipped. A lamp is something that should most definitely be on the bedside table, especially if your guests will indulge in some late night reading. Everyone one loves something to occupy themselves in the evening so make sure than your provide an assortment of books, magazines and newspapers that your guests can flick through. You could also leave remotes, provide a place to charge their phone and leave the WIFI password on the bedside table. There's nothing more embarrassing than having to ask for those essentials and make sure that there is an extension lead so that other people in the room are able to charge their phones too.
5. Finishing Touches
Nothing makes you feel more welcome that those finishing touches. You could add to the décor such as clocks, bowls or dishes to place their belonging for rings and watches, a few pictures and anything that you personally think would fit well within the guest room. You can also make you guest feel extra special by leaving them a few sweet treats and snacks in their room, as they may feel embarrassed asking for food once everyone has gone to bed. You could also add a couple of toiletries in their bedside table for the duration of the stay, just in case they have forgot. It's a nice gesture.
6. Prepare The Guest Bathroom
Even if you do not have a designated guest bathroom, you need to prepare whatever bathroom your guests will use. First step is to gather up all your essential personal items. Leaving a hair ball in the bath tub or a bit of toothpaste in the basin is not exactly saying 'Welcome to My Abode'! This is probably one of the most important rooms to clean as it's a room that most family and friends will visit. While you have visitors it's best to check that it has clean towels, toilet roll and top up the soap dispenser if it's needed. I have a toilet and a bathroom in my home so it can be quite the challenge to keep them both clean for any guests and as much as I hate cleaning the bathroom it needs to be spick and span for any guests. Begin with pouring some bleach or another disinfectant into the toilet bowl, pop your toilet brush inside the bowl, after an hour or so clean around the exterior, lids and handle. Not forgetting to clean cobwebs in the corners of the bathroom, and brush other dust and dirt directly onto the floor to sweep up later no forgetting those skirting boards. Provide extra toilet paper, there is is more awkward for a guest than running out of toilet paper, lastly you could even add some creative décor to make it extra special.
What do you do to get your bedrooms #GuestBedReady?