Did you know that you can alter your inner thoughts while sleeping to lead a better life? The pattern of changing the negative beliefs of our subconscious while we are asleep is called sleep hypnosis. When someone does hypnosis, they are altering their life in the starting period of sleep, making their conscious mind passive and subconscious mind active.
Hypnosis was initially called mesmerism after the French doctor and physician Franz Mesmer coined the term. You will usually be feeling profoundly relaxed, lost in thought, and temporarily unaware of the rest of the world. Self-hypnosis occurs when you put yourself into this state without help from a hypnotherapist, usually by listening to a self hypnosis audio.
How to Perform Sleep Hypnosis Yourself?
Find a comfortable spot to lie down or sit. If you are not ready for bed, try sitting on a couch cushion cross-legged or lying down in whatever position feels most relaxing. Make your room dark. Melatonin, the sleep hormone, is produced when it is dark. As you get ready for bed, turn off any bright lights. Avoid distractions like TVs, handheld devices, phones, or computer screens.
To help you relax, try engaging in reading, meditating, or doing word puzzles. These activities can help harness your mind and ease your worries about the day. By focusing on your breathing and thoughts, you can hypnotise yourself into a sleep state. While this can be difficult for many people to do alone, people often use self-hypnosis audio to treat insomnia.
During sleep, the mind undergoes several changes. During the deepest sleep phase, the brain is most active, a period known as rapid eye movement or REM. During this time, your mind replays everything that has happened to you throughout the day or focuses on things that are yet to come. If you have a hard time relaxing your mind, try focusing on each part of your body and resting it as much as possible. It should help you relax mentally as well. And there you will be in a trance state of being at utmost relaxation.
Benefits of Sleep Hypnosis:
Hypnosis and hypnotherapy both involve therapeutic suggestions, but the former is a form of sleep therapy that requires the patient to be asleep or in a light trance. For example, a person might be encouraged to feel less anxious about falling asleep or follow a more consistent sleep schedule.
Sleep hypnosis was used as part of an early study to compare the effects on sleep of autohypnosis with a placebo and an anti-anxiety drug. It has made them sleep longer, fall asleep more quickly, and have more regular sleep patterns. A study found that women who listened to a self-hypnosis audio guide before going to sleep spent up to 81% more time in deep sleep and less time awake during the night than women who used no such guide.
Self-hypnosis can be very useful in making changes to your life. You don't have to be a skilled master to do it. If you desire to do this, then practice is the key, and there are many techniques that you can do daily with the help of audio hypnosis.