My Baby Has Lost Her First Tooth

So after weeks of wiggling and wiggling and a few more weeks of trying so hard not to pull at her wobbly tooth, it finally happened. My daughter has lost her first tooth!

My daughter was so excited. She came bouncing out of her classroom as she does afterschool every day, but this day was different. As she approached me with her hand covering her mouth but she was eager to tell me something. 

Apparently, during school that day her tooth felt loose and as she took a bite out of her favourite lunch time malted loaf her tooth came out. She was so excited and went to tell the teacher straight away, who wrapped up the precious first tooth into some tissue paper. After watching most of her cousins and lots of her friends lose their first teeth, it was finally her turn. It was time for her to join all her friends on the gummy smile train. It took a little while for her first tooth to come through so it comes to no surprise that she is one of the last ones to lose their first tooth in her class. 

As she walked towards me and gave me a big cheeky grin with one less tooth. I thought to myself it's happening! My little girl is becoming a big girl with grown up teeth and I don't think I can handle it. I was hoping that we had a little bit longer, because this is really the last part of her being a baby, even if in my heart she will always be my baby.

It only seems like a moment a go that her first tooth came through, after one hell of an all nighter! Those nights were tough for the both of us. I always remember holding her in my arms trying to help calm her down and laying on the floor while she cried and cried. So it comes to no surprise that I was glad when she finally cut all her teeth. It saw and end to those tiring and miserable nights on the floor. But now the first tooth to come through is the first one to come loose. I was in no way ready for when she would begin to loose the same teeth we fought so hard to come in. But with that first wobbly tooth came the end of an era and the beginning of a new one for all of us.

These baby teeth are the last shred of her being a baby and in just a few months that will all be over and she will start breaking in those big adult teeth. It such a milestone in the process of growing up. But I'm hoping losing them doesn't cause her any pain, not like those all nighters laying on the floor with her as she cried. As sad as it may be to see the end of an era, we still have time for the magic of make believe. This has to be the best part of being a parent, right? Whether you're a parent who loves to get involved with magic or not, you shouldn't be afraid to give it a go. 

Children are creative and love to take the lead in fantasy games. However, they are not the only ones to benefit from engaging in a little make believe from time to time. I will happily admit that getting outside to engage in a imaginative make believe games with my daughter keeps her mind creative, enhances thinking skills and helps us bond with one another. Not only that, it actually eases away stresses of adult life, whilst restoring a sense of magic and wonder, for a moment, at least. 

So yes, the tooth fairy will be coming to see my daughter as those baby teeth come away. But, let's be honest fairies are quite a big deal in our house! We even made up a little fairy song for when my daughter falls over or feels sad - all it takes it a little fairy dust. So, what is the going rate for a tooth? Well this may be a whole topic. It varies. But seeing as my daughter will loose at least 20 teeth over the next few months the tooth fairy kindly left five gold coins for her very clean first tooth and will then only leave one gold coin, thereafter. The tooth fairy is such a lovely magical moment and seeing her face the next morning will always be a cherished memory.

So do you believe in the tooth fairy?


  1. I loved seeing your posts about this on Insta and your beautiful fairy writing! My son is the eldest in his class but was the last to lose a tooth!! #KCACOLS

  2. Yay so pleased for her. My son's first came out early and took us by surprise but my niece was the last in her class so we had a long build up for her. Think it won't be long until my youngest loses his first now! #KCACOLS

  3. Awww bless her! From memory, my teeth were quite late to fall out and I ended up having to have a few pulled out at the dentist. My daughter is only 3 but she had an incident a few weeks ago and almost knocked her front teeth out ;/ One of them doesn't look great and I'm worried the dentist will say that it has to come out ... wish us luck! But yes, the tooth fairy will exist in our house! #KCACOLS

  4. Aw cute. Such a milestone when they lose their first tooth. She's still got a beautiful smile x #KCACOLS

  5. Awwwww bless her, I still remember my mum putting my teeth under the pillow and waiting for the tooth fairy. These milestones can make the nicest of childhood memories, sending love xx #KCACOLS

  6. Aww how sweet! I remember when my son lost his first tooth, and that feeling of 'oh my baby is growing up' :-) Then again, I've felt similar amazement several times along the way, as various milestones have taken place. I think I'll forever be comparing my son to the tiny little baby he was, once upon a long ago! x #KCACOLS

  7. Aww this is such an emotional milestone for our kids isn’t it? My youngest is still waiting for thid to happen to her. She is definitely one of the last one so far. She is an August baby so we are hoping this will happen by then so I understand very well the feeling of wanting to have her first tooth cut. I absolutely love that gorgeous handwriting from the Tooth Fairy. Can’t wait to experience this with my little one too. :) x #KCACOLS

  8. We had a tooth lost for the first time in our house recently - unfortunately he then lost it & I'm afraid it ended up in the Hoover! #KCACOLS
