From time to time, modern life and striving to want it all, can often leave us feeling overwhelmed. But that and the worldwide pandemic thrown into the mix can really make those overwhelming feelings worse and honestly most of us are living on the edge. A few months ago, none of us would have imagined a world where hugging a close friend or family member would feel like a luxury from a past life.
The current lockdown has made prioritising certain things a challenge. Most of us are working from home, doing food shopping, laundry, household chores, homeschooling our children and attending classes on zoom. So, that work life balance doesn't seem to be so smooth and life feels exhausting and overwhelming.
However there are some things that you could be doing to help take care of you, your mental health and wellbeing during these times of uncertainty. By doing these few things can really help you think clearly and make sure that you are able to look after yourself and those around you.
Stay Connected
With the outbreak of the pandemic, day to day life has changed overnight. We are being encouraged to stay at home as much as possible in order to help stop the spread, avoid meeting up with family and friends and homeschooling our children. While these steps are for everyone's safety, it does bring some other challenges too - staying connected.
Lots of people are finding the current situation difficult, so staying in touch could help them too. Try and keep in touch with your friends and family, by telephone, email or social media, or contact a helpline for emotional support. By maintaining healthy consistent relationships with your family and friends is so important when it comes to your mental wellbeing. It’s reassuring to know at this time that it can be easy to communicate with loved one from far and wide.
But if you’re feeling really alone, the Samaritans provide a 24-hour listening service: 116 123 and there are many other sources of support available. Never hesitate to pick up the phone. You are not alone.
Focus on The Facts
It's important to stay informed about the new guidelines that are being updated, as they change weekly. But before anything, just focus on the facts and the statistics not those articles that are based on an opinion. Social media is really bad for this type of content at the moment so it is best to try and limit your time spent on scrolling through social media.
Relax and Unwind
With everything that is going on in the world, most of us feel out of sorts and way more stressed than usual. Homeschoolers? I'm looking at you! After being in lockdown for how many weeks now? I have completely lost all sense of time and can't keep track. It’s important to acknowledge these feelings and remind each other to look after our physical and mental health.
When you're feeling overwhelmed, take the time to take a minute, breath, and focus as this can really help you deal with difficult emotions and worries. During this pandemic relaxation techniques have really help my anxiety - breathing techniques, meditation, reading and blogging are the best ways to keep those feeling in check. Since my daughter has been at home we have been doing some yoga sessions on Youtube that is suitable for little ones too, they have been a great way to relax and unwind before the day ahead.
Prioritise a Healthy Lifestyle
Our physical, mental, and spiritual health are connected and work together to create some kind of harmony, meaning one can't really work without the other. When your body is unhealthy, your mind might suffer. If you’re not fulfilling your soul, you might have trouble finding the physical the energy to do anything. By creating a daily routine can really help you take care of all these in your life.
Our physical health has a big impact on how we feel. At times like these, it can be easy to fall into unhealthy patterns of behaviour that end up making you feel worse. It is so important, now more than ever make time to help us feel good about ourselves. Support your immune system as best as you can by eating well, getting eight hours of sleep, exercising, alleviate stress, Women's health is also something that you should think about too. Regularly check ups, taking supplements to flood your body with all essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants - all to help your overall health.
Do Things You Love
If we are feeling worried, anxious, lonely or low, we may stop doing things we usually enjoy. So while we all have the rare opportunity to do something that you have always wanted to do, but never seem to have time for - now is your chance, Perhaps you have always wanted to train to run a marathon, show off your creative side, read a book, write a book - whatever you want, use this time to do what you love.
Make an effort to focus on your favourite hobby if it is something you can still do at home. If not, picking something new to learn at home might help. There are so many free tutorials and courses available online at the moment so you won't be short of an idea or two. Personally, photography has been a little passion of mine and I have never had to confidence or time to do course or tutorial, so I using the rare situation to do what I love.
The current lockdown has made prioritising certain things a challenge. Most of us are working from home, doing food shopping, laundry, household chores, homeschooling our children and attending classes on zoom. So, that work life balance doesn't seem to be so smooth and life feels exhausting and overwhelming. By doing these few things can really help you think clearly and make sure that you are able to look after yourself and those around you. Reset you mind, body and soul with these 5 simple things.
Keep safe everyone!
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