Our Before Nursery Bucket List

September has come around so quickly and I cannot believe the time has come for my baby girl to venture off into Nursery. I have been told by the said 'baby girl' that she is no longer a baby but a little girl. Well, that's put me right in my place. Over the last few months we have been gearing ourselves up for nursery and if I am completely honest, it's something that I have not been looking forward to. And now all of a sudden it's September, the paper work has been filled in, we have the uniform, labels and all and it time. It's finally time for my little girl to spread her wings and head off into another milestone. This is something that she has been looking forward to for as long as I can remember and I know she will be fine, but before I wave goodbye to those morning together we have a couple of mornings to cram as many activities we can with this 'before nursery bucket list'. It's less than a week until she goes and we have added eight activities to our bucket list, I wonder how we will do...

1. Visit an indoor play area :: Before nursery starts I want to take full advantages of the quiet mornings at a group or an indoor play area, we always have a blast! So I want to make sure that we can squeeze one more morning play date in.

2. Bake some cupcakes :: My daughter's favourite cupcakes are chocolate chip and so I want to take the time and make some special cupcakes for her and perhaps take on her first day at nursery. Baking is something that we make sure that we do every week and I am sure that making a mess in the kitchen isn't completely over I still want to make sure that this is something we will do before she starts. 

3. Plan a scavenger hunt :: There are always so many exciting walks that we could go on together and she has become somewhat obsessed with collecting bird feathers and so I have decided that I will create a scavenger hunt for my daughter and a few of her friends. If this is something that you'd like to do with your children then head over to Pinterest as there are so many ideas that can inspire you. 

4. Be creative :: My daughter loves nothing more than unleashing some creativity with some crayons, glitter and paints and with all our interesting finds from the scavenger hunt, I hope that we will be able to unleash some creativity and create something amazing together.

5. Reading :: In our household we love to read, every night without fail we will always try and read together and so in the next few days I want to read some classic tales with her, such as Beatrix Potter, The Little Red Riding Hood, Goldilocks and our favourite; The Little Raindrop. 

6. Practice make perfect :: Learning together is something that we both enjoy and my daughter already knows her ABCs, shapes, colours, counting 1-20 and even knows her left and right. Before starting nursery we have been encouraging writing so it's fairly new territory but practice makes perfect.

7. Have a carpet picnic :: If you live in the UK then this is something that I am more than sure you're accustomed to as it is always seems to be raining. The next few days consists or rain, rain and more rain. So it's time for a carpet picnic. I have been encouraging my daughter to do things for herself including spreading butter on slices of bread and cutting cucumber, so we will make some sandwiches and other tasty treats, place a blanket on our living room floor and have a carpet picnic.

8. Disney Marathon :: No bucket list is complete without some form of film marathon and so before the big day we will make sure that have some mornings full of Disney. Our favourites are; The Lion King, Rapunzel, Beauty and the Beast, Moana and Brave. 

Wish us luck, we only have a few days to complete this bucket list so watch this space...


  1. What a lovely thing to do! I'm sure you'll get through your bucket list, and if not, it's only a few hours a day at nursery and you can do these special things together when she gets home. It's a big step, but not too big for her xx

  2. Ahh, we love a carpet picnic! Can't beat it!

  3. Such a lovely idea! I hope you managed to do some of these. My oldest will be starting school soon and I love the idea of having a bucket list before he starts! x
