Working from home has become more common since the pandemic hit back in 2020. Since then, an increasing number of people have decided that working from home is the better option for them and we think that this is fantastic. But, studies have found that some people are less productive when they are working in their home environment for a whole number of reasons, and it’s time that we stomped them out.
Designated Working Hours
The first thing that we’re going to say is that you should have designated working hours to help you know when you are supposed to be completing tasks for your job, and when you are off the clock. It’s really easy to just mix the two, doing what you want when you want, but it’s not good for your productivity, and it can make it harder to switch out of work mode as well. As such, you should have designated work hours in the same way that you would when you work in an office.
During these hours, you are not responsible for anything to do with the home, and you need to keep your focus on your work. This way, there is a clear work/home life balance, even though you are completing your work from the comfort of your own home.
A Home Office
Another thing that you should do is set up a home office. Some people have spare rooms in their home that they can transform into an office space, and that’s a great option. You can add a desk, a comfortable chair, a filing cabinet for all of your files, and whatever else you would have in an office. We do recommend having a separate computer for your work than your personal life, so this is something that you should look into, just so that things don’t get too tangled up.
However, sometimes being in the home and working there has too many distractions. Even when there isn’t really anything going on, it can be distracting just to be at home. So, the solution then if you have the space is to get a garden room that you can use as an office. These are spaces outside so they are separate to your home, but still a part of it.
Stick To A Routine
In the same kind of vein as having set working hours, it’s a good idea to stick to some kind of routine. You would do this if you were going to work in an office, so why not do this now that you are working from home? Get up at the same time every day, and then create a morning routine that works for you rather than just rolling out of bed into the office. Get up, have a shower, get ready, put on some decent clothes that make you feel productive, have a nutritious breakfast, and whatever else will help you get ready from the day.
Just because you are not leaving the house, doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t make an effort for yourself. This will ensure that you are able to get yourself in the right frame of mind to work, and complete a full day!
Ensure Everyone Knows You’re Working
If there are other people at home while you are working such as your kids, it needs to be clear that you are working and that you should only be disturbed in the case of emergencies. Of course, if there is something serious going on then you need to know about it, but other than that you should be left to work in peace. Constant distractions are not good for your workflow, and your boss is likely to pull you up on that at some point if it’s a regular occurrence.
We hope that you have found this article helpful, and now see some of the things that you can do to ensure that working at home is a little easier. It’s just one of those things that you’re going to have to work on and figure out what works for you, but hopefully these points will give you a place to start. We wish you the very best of luck, and hope that you see your productivity grow asap.