How To Make a Rose Petal Bath

A symbol of romance, the classic rose is one flower that graces our gardens in an array of different types and colours. But, these beautiful blooms are far more useful that just looking pretty in the garden or in a vase. It's time to stop throwing fading flowers away once they begin to wilt. There are many clever ways to use rose petals to improve your health and add beauty to the world around you. Many women have been using rose petals for centuries to help soothe their mind and body. This iconic flower specifically does beauty wonders on the skin.

Rosewater soothes irritated skin, brightens your complexion and tightens pores for a smooth appearance. And the petals give off a natural calming scent and a rose petal bath can completely change your mood due to its amazing qualities. My daughter had a particularly hard day at school and there was only one thing for it, a princess bath. I decided to run her a warm rose petal bath as I know that rose petals have amazing qualities for the mind and the body. Not only that rose petals sprinkled in the bath just feel so luxurious, and made my daughter day so much better. So why not treat yourself to an indulgent rose petal bath. 

To make a rose petal bath you need to do the following:

Run a warm bath. It's important to remember not to run a bath that's too hot in temperature as it isn't great for your skin and actually dehydrates the skin. 

Pluck some beautiful petals from a pretty bouquet of roses. I really do hate when flowers go to waste so when it comes to making a rose petal bath we use rose petals that are beginning to wilt. However, if you prefer to pluck newer petals that's alright too the properties are the same. It is also best to use organic roses opposed to ones you can get in the supermarket to avoid pesticide that may irritate your skin. However, if you do simply run the petals under a cold tap before adding them to your bath. 

When then tub is halfway full, drop the petals under the running water allowing the stream of water to disperse them in your bath, while infusing the bath with the soothing properties of the rose petals. Now if you wanted to add to the indulgence you could add some coconut milk which can make your skin feel softer and smoother because fats in the milk cling to the skin. You may even notice a silky, but not oily, feeling over your skin. Bathing in milk and rose petals can also give light, gentle exfoliation.

Once you feel more relaxed and your skin feels quenched then it's time to get get out of the bath. Pat dry your skin to ensure that you retain some of the moisture from the rose petal bath, then apply a moisturiser. 

A rose petal bath can really help perk up your skin and soothe your mind with its subtle scents. However, the benefits don't have to stop at a rose petal bath there are so many ways that you can introduce roses into your beauty routine. So many are embracing rose as an ingredient, simply because of their amazing qualities. Rose petals are amazing source of vitamin C, so rose petals can be a fantastic way to make a natural sun cream. You can make a lotion by mixing cucumber juice, glycerin and rose water and apply it on your skin before heading out in the sun. Add rose petals to filter spring water for a natural toner or makeup remover. The anti-bacterial properties found in rose makes it amazing for fighting acne and breakouts. Rose water can also help soothe irritated skin and reduce its redness. So now that you know that rose petals are much more than just a way to show your love to a loved one, go and have a pamper night and indulge in a rose petal bath. 


  1. I have to be the only girl on the planet I know who hates taking baths. I'm more of an in-and-out shower kind of girl. It does look pretty with the petals though.

    1. Maybe you need a rose petal bath to make a difference.

  2. Oh this is such a lovely idea! We have some gorgeous blossom outside so I might do this for my daughter tonight with that!

    1. oh yes blossom to gorgeous this time of year.

  3. I love how these look but I think they would annoy me a bit! I can just about cope with bubbles

    1. Do you know what I thought it would, but it was actually pretty nice.

  4. What a wonderful idea, roses have such amazing properties. I love rose oil too

    1. Oh yes a rose oil can do wonder for a beauty regime.

  5. I love having a shower but every now and again I like a bath. Sounds lovely and relaxing

    1. Oh yes you must have a bath or two a week. Helps get rid of stress and make you feel super relaxed.

  6. What a lovely idea, I'd love a soak in a rose petal bath with some scented candles on the side.

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