It’s Ok to Feel Sad About My Baby Starting School.

This lady made me a mama. At first sight I was immediately in love, at just a minute old I gazed into those beautiful blue eyes and realised that this little baby was going to change my whole world and completely change me. 

All those late nights feeds where I would just stare at her and look into those beautiful eyes. I would comfort her when she needed me, and would love nothing more than to rock her to sleep. Those late nights were actually my favourite. I relished in the excitement and happiness when she said mum for the first time or when she took her first steps. I sang for the fairies when she had her first bump to the knee, in the tougher times I cried with her. As she became her own independent little self this is when I really saw the change, my baby was a little girl. I would beg her to stop growing so quickly. My little lady has been by my side everyday for the past three years and now she’s going to school. 

Honesty, it’s not something that I am dealing very well with. It’s been hard so far. As she was gearing up towards the last week of nursery I was a mess. And this morning she woke up really sad and cried because she doesn’t want to leave little school and leave her favourite teacher. She doesn’t want to grow up. This honestly broke my heart. Up until now she has been so excited about the next milestone of school and now she’s full of angst. I have read so much information about how to deal with it all for both my little lady and myself. We know that this is a good thing for both of us, but it doesn’t mean the transition is easy. If anything it’s probably one of the hardest things we’ve had to do. 

It’s going to be something that is going to take time to get used to, I know that she will be absolutely fine when she starts. She’s adapts so easily and copes really well in social situations and I’m sure that she’s going to make so many new friends and learn new experiences. Me on the other hand it’s going to take some real time to adjust to this change, but it’s something I will need to deal with and be OK with the sadness. The rational part of me knows that the sadness won’t last forever and in a few years I will probably be counting down the days during the summer until she starts school, but right now these emotions about the next milestone are big for us right now. Just the thought of the first school drop off brings on a wave of emotions. And today I saw that my little girl is just as emotional and nervous as I am.

Being a parent can be a whirlwind. Finding the joys and smiles is easy but sometimes it’s a little harder. But during those times that it’s a little harder we do owe it to ourselves to savour those too. My husband and I were blessed with our little miracle baby who we love with everything we have. It’s important for us to raise a little girl who is independent and for her to become her own little person. But a big part of allowing her to becoming her own person is to loosen those reins a little, even though it’s going to be hard. It’s something that both my husband and I must do for her. 


  1. I don’t have any babies of my own yet but I am super close to my mum and she’s told me before how every time one of ya started school she was beside herself! Haha being a mummy is hard!

    1. Without a doubt being a mum is super hard, it will change you more than you will realise.

  2. Time does go so fast. I still can't believe it's 12 months since I was in your position. I hope you both adjust well.

    1. Oh how was you on the first day? I feel I may embarrass myself with tears.

  3. My boy starts school this September too. I will miss him so much in the daytime. Just had a lovely day out just me and him yesterday so might have to make that a more regular thing on the weekends x

    1. Oh yes without a doubt, we will make every single weekend count. It's going to be a hard adjustment.

  4. Oh bless you, I'm a couple of years off school-starting age but I imagine I'll be feeling much the same when the time comes. It sounds like you've prepared her as much as you can, and I am sure she will thrive! Sometimes, the idea of something and the anticipation is worse than the actual thing itself.

    1. Ah make sure you treasure every single moment with them, it goes so fast.

  5. I felt exactly like you did this time last year! Starting school is just as tough for the parents as it is the kids I reckon! But they soon get used to it, and then you really get to appreciate the time you spend together. Good luck in September and don’t forget the tissues!!

    1. Oh don't worry I won't forget the tissues, it's going to be an emotional one.

  6. I'm sure it's tough to see your baby growing up!

    1. The toughest, but at the same time it's so lovely seeing her accomplish new things.

  7. Enjoy every minute of them and learn to love each new stage as it comes! It's easier said that done though! ��

  8. It is natural to feel sad at this time I think, but you will also feel proud when she gets started.

    1. Oh yes I am sure I will feel completely different when she finally starts and I get to think about me. It will be quiet.

  9. I feel so emotional reading this! She will love it for sure and she will make you so proud! x

    1. Ah thanks girl, she makes me proud everyday. Today I nearly cried when she got so happy she could finally write the letter e the right way round. Too sweet.

  10. She is adorable! How could you let her go? 😍

    1. Trust me if I had a choice I would try and keep her for a little bit longer. But I know she is ready, I don't think I ever will be if I am honest.

  11. them going to school comes around too quickly, Robin is at preschool next year and I really don’t want her to go at all, I’m sure she’ll love it but I don’t think I can let go just yet

    1. I was exactly the same last year, actually I was a little mess. It was a hard milestone for us as we had such a rough year with her too. But she has been such a beautiful little girl inside and out.

  12. Completely with you n this one, I think I'll sob when Noah starts next month.

  13. I'm going to be a mess when Amelia starts! It's so tough xx

  14. Aw bless you! Every minute matters, always appreciate! x

  15. Cohen starts nursery in September and I have been feeling really bitter sweet about it! I'm glad I'm not the only one that feels that same. I was worried I was being selfish xx

  16. Aww I can imagine how you're feeling Kelly-anneits super hard when tbey start school ....times so quickly x

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