Life with a toddler is hard. I'm sure if you have a toddler, you're all too familiar with the chaos that occurs on a daily basis. Those sweet little darlings are known for shifting moods, boundless energy and only too happy to push a freshly, organic cooked food in the place of chicken nuggets! But when things don't go their way??? Prepare for an epic meltdown that’s guaranteed to be ten times worse if you’re in public. This afternoon I went into my daughter's room to check in on her and she is laying down planking across her chest of drawers reading a book, as you do.
There's nothing that she does that doesn't surprise anymore. Unless you count this morning when I thought it was a good idea to take her to the the park and as we reached the top of the climbing frame before going the down the slide, my daughter leaves me totally gobsmacked. As she sings "I'm the king of the're the dirty a***hole" I left completely mortified!!! With that being said and always being kept on my toes I have been thinking a lot about the newborn days. Times where I could leave her playing on her play mat and having to not worry about her crawling away, climbing furniture or hiding food in the television unit! So, today I thought that it would be a good idea to tell you about all the things I miss about my life with a newborn.
There's nothing that she does that doesn't surprise anymore. Unless you count this morning when I thought it was a good idea to take her to the the park and as we reached the top of the climbing frame before going the down the slide, my daughter leaves me totally gobsmacked. As she sings "I'm the king of the're the dirty a***hole" I left completely mortified!!! With that being said and always being kept on my toes I have been thinking a lot about the newborn days. Times where I could leave her playing on her play mat and having to not worry about her crawling away, climbing furniture or hiding food in the television unit! So, today I thought that it would be a good idea to tell you about all the things I miss about my life with a newborn.
The Newborn Haze
There is nothing better than the "newborn" haze. Where your heart is so full of love it feels like it is going to explode, and you are simultaneously exhausted and feel like you are living your life in three hour intervals, feed to feed for the baby, while trying to keep your home in order and everyone else fed. Those first few weeks were so precious. I was very lucky to be able to have my husband off in those first few weeks after the arrival of our little lady, they were so dreamy. When he finally went back to work, I was still in the newborn haze and is was absolute besotted but thankfully friends and family were only too happy to lend a helping hand with daily chores like laundry, cleaning and even making some meals. Just so I wouldn't become too exhausted. Even though the first few weeks were completely exhausting they were also the most precious weeks. It was a time for my daughter and I to bond, which inevitably made me fall head over heels in love with her.
The Newborn Cuddles
The Newborn Cuddles
As a new mother, holding my baby close for the first time was the most amazing experience. Seriously how amazing are newborn cuddles? Nothing really beats having cuddles with a tiny, soft newborn. There was always a worry when I did cuddle my daughter, as I was worried that I would over-cuddle her. But there is no such thing! In the early weeks, it was hard for me to try and understand the differing cries. I was unsure whether she was asking for a nappy change, needed feeding or actually wanted quiet time if she was tired. A cuddle with her would always be a good start. She would keep so still, sleep most of the day and awake most of the night, but I didn't care because of those newborn cuddles. It's a good thing newborns love to be held because I love them. They fit perfectly in the crook of your arm and they're very cuddly. One day they won't fit so well on your shoulder and in your lap. That's when you really miss the ache in your arm from holding them so much.Toddler cuddles? They are completely different! They are not as often and when I do get one she goes limp and tries to escape my grip but wriggling her way out.
The Newborn Scent
When I hold a newborn I can’t help but inhale the sweet scent of their head. It’s blooming lovely! I could snuggle and breathe them in for hours. I also miss those days where I could just watch her sleep and smell her beautiful head. Watching the rise and fall of her tiny chest, her sweet and precious little face. It can be calming to sit and snuggle them while listening to them breathe. You can almost forget their days and nights are flipped. Now that my little lady is older and I try to sniff her head and I don't get the same feelings and wows.
The Baby Feet
The Baby Feet
I don’t know what it is, but there’s something adorable about baby feet. I don’t even like feet, but I’ll gladly nibble my little lady's feet when she was a newborn. It’s practically a requirement to be in complete awe at their tiny fingers and toes and count them. Also, another thing that I miss is her tiny little socks and booties, I go completely soppy!
Being Still
Once your baby isn’t a baby anymore, there will definitely be times when you miss when they couldn’t walk and get into all your things. Enjoy the time when all they can do is cuddle in your arms and look up at you with those big beautiful eyes. When it comes to the toddler years and they think it is a funny idea to try and hide in the bread cupboard and not make a sound, even when the can clearly see you are trying to frantically find them! Yep, miss those newborn days!
Newborn Clothing
Shopping for newborn clothes is the best. Sweet soft blues and pinks, little pyjamas, cute baby animals, I love it all. With so many darling baby clothes to choose from, how can you not want to dress them up? The tiniest of onesies make me tear up at the memory of how little my kids used to be. I know I miss those newborn clothes when your baby outgrows them and you’re packing them away in boxes in the garage. While we are on the subject of newborn clothes, it takes me back to her newborn baby photo shoot where she was put in the most adorable clothes including tutus, flowers, bows, shawls! I literally could have sat there all day dressing her up in the most adorable outfits.
For me, becoming a mother has been one of the biggest accomplishments that I have made and probably will ever make in my life. Any decisions that I have made has never brought me so much joy and love into my heart. I'm sure that many of you will be with me on this one when I say that a love for a child is like no other love known to man, it's an unconditional love, a love without limitations, a love that is impossible to break. But my journey into motherhood has by far not been one of the easiest. My husband and I were very fortunate and found out that we were expecting a baby. I thought I was unwell, but it turned out to be something that we have been wanting for a long time, unexpectedly too. Our beautiful miracle baby girl, Amelia-Rose. A true blessing and one that I will never ever take for granted. I have to say that my daughter has made me a better person, she has given me a purpose and has made me realise what is really important in life. I know that being a mum to my beautiful little girl inspires me to want to be an even better person. Being a parent you are faced with many challenges, some that you thought you could never endure, but because of my daughter I now know that I am more confident in my abilities and less likely to give up even when everything in my mind tells me to. Even if this sounds a little corny being a mum to my daughter has made me feel as if I can do anything and to always show gratitude to the simple things in life. I will continue my journey in motherhood knowing that my daughter makes me a better person and she reminds me of that everyday in all her cuddles.