5 Simple Ways To Help Other Bloggers

Just before we get into this blog post I think I should set one thing straight, I am in no way an expert when it comes to blogging! If I am honestly most of the time I am pretty much winging it! There are so many fantastic bloggers that I aspire to and perhaps with enough hard work and promotion one day I may be there too. But for now, there's nothing that I like more than to support my other fellow bloggers in the sea of amazing bloggers. Being a blogger you can make such a difference to other people with certain blog posts and even to some blogs you admire, through simple acts of kindness! So, today in the light of positive vibes only I wanted to share some simple ways in which you can help other bloggers. 

Amadeoâ„¢ Regular

As bloggers we all know how important interaction is and to some extent it is pretty much the key to success in the blogging world. You can start small with some comment love. Try and find some bloggers that you admire and try to put a name to the face by paying attention to their content and tell them why you love it. There are so many amazing bloggers out there and some who have thousands of followers but will always take time to reply to comments and messages without a second thought. So leaving a comment, a tweet or even an email will show them that you are there, reading their words, which can make someone feel appreciated and those hours they have spent planning, writing and editing is all worthwhile. So spread the love!

Amadeoâ„¢ Regular

We all know that sharing shows you care when it comes to blogging. It opens up a whole range of new readers and potentially followers that you can gain, but it's not always about gaining followers even though it great. By sharing their content just because it's pretty awesome can be quite flattering! When you see a post that's so good you feel your world needs to see, so why not share? Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest or even Stumble Upon are platforms that are great for a blog post getting more recognition. Don't forget that some bloggers have advertisements in their sidebars, or other bloggers who advertising with them, click these!!! It's so helpful to the blogger and just a few seconds and a couple of clicks can help them financially. I would also say that same for a sponsored post, supporting the paid for work is essential when it comes to professional blogging. So when you see a post, tweet, pin or advert, click on it!!!! 

Amadeoâ„¢ Regular

Pretty sure that if you're a blogger you will know what a blogging pod is, however if you don't then listen up, you need to find yours. Basically a blogging pod is a group of bloggers who support each other on various platforms, so for example a new post goes live, you let your blogging pod know and they can comment, like, share, pin and so on. It was probably one of the best things that I did when I became a professional blogger. You can engage with these blogging pods, learn from and grow with as you continue on in your personal and professional life. Aside from the fact that it helps with blogging, my little pod tends to go off on a tangent about our daily life and are always there when we need support! You need to find your blogging pod....

Amadeoâ„¢ Regular

When it comes to discovering good blogs the first thing that I like to do is try and follow them on every platform that have. Now, I'm not saying you have to do this personally, it's just something I like to do. If you're anything like me, you have some favourite blogs to read, but don't always remember to go to their blog, don't have the time, or go online and get completely distracted and start looking for things you don't need to do then you may realise it's been a little while since you checked their content, by following all their social media platforms is a great way to stay connected. You could even subscribe to their mailing list, so you never miss a post! 

Amadeoâ„¢ Regular

It always good practice to try and link to your favourite blogs! I like to do this with our monthly updates, don't forget to check ours. I will list five or six great blog post that I can across throughout the month and mention over my social media platforms when promoting the post. Something that I need to start doing are regular posts about certain bloggers you need to follow, seriously these types of post are a guilty pleasure and a good way to discover new bloggers Another great way to help other bloggers is to ask to collaborate on something whether this is a linky, a Instagram hashtag or even a guest post there are always ways in which you could collaborate with other people to drive your brand. 

So there you have it! 5 simple ways to help other bloggers, so spread the word, the kindness, the positive vibes and the love in the beautiful world of blogging. What other ways would you help other bloggers? Leave me a comment below..


  1. Helping each other is a way to success. All of these five idea are good and easy to implement.

  2. A really good reminder for all of us (bloggers or not)that these simple things can make so much difference. I'm so glad to be part of your pod!

  3. Fantastic share! This is a really good post and i really can't thank you enough for this. Some real good information here and will be useful to me. Thanks!

  4. Some really great tips! Sharing really is caring! :-)

  5. Great tips Kelly-Anne! When I first started blogging I never really connected with other bloggers. I never realised there was a whole community out there I was missing out on! Now I love interacting with and supporting other bloggers - joining a pod is the best thing I have done for my blog! x

  6. Great tips kelly-anna, I really should do a shout out type post of my favourite bloggers too! xx

  7. Helpful tips. I spend about 4 times as long commenting and interacting on other blogs or their social media than I do writing my own :(
