I hope you all have had a lovely weekend. We have been busy bees painting our hall, stairs and landing something that we have been avoiding since moving in. Amelia like most toddlers wanted to help us paint and no matter what distraction we put in her way she was back asking to 'try a go'. We gave her a new paintbrush to play with and she managed to find the smallest drop of paint and painted our glass door frame. Little bugger!!!! But we managed to finish painting without too many mishaps. Anyway I will stop babbling on and get back to why you're here. If you follow us on the blog you will know that we are no strangers to Beets BLU in fact we are big fans of their Key Finder and Heart Rate Monitor. So when I was asked if I would like to try out their Smart Scale I had to say yes of course.
The Beets BLU Smart Scales are slim, sleek and glossy black with silver metal rectangles that measure body weight, body fat percentage, water level and muscle mass when feet make contact with them. There is a LED blue light that easily displays your weight in kilograms, stones and lbs which is fantastic news for people like me who are short sighted, no more squinting for me.
To use the Smart Scales you simply download an app and enter in a few details about yourself like your age, gender, height and body composition. In order to get the most accurate result it is best to check your weight first thing in the morning after visiting the bathroom. It really is so simple to use. You open up the app at the same time as you stand on the scale and after about 10 seconds the data appears on your phone via Bluetooth. I think that it is a really unique way to keep your self motivated. My husband and I started a health kick at the beginning of the year and have hit a plateau so this is has been a great help with our motivation because the information tells us exactly what our body is made up of and therefore we are able to amend diets and exercise plans accordingly. Another cool feature would be if you could also use this one as a coffee-scale with drip timers and measurements in 0.1 gram increments as you know us parents need our coffee fix everyday.
The only criticism that I have with this Beets BLU Smart Scale is that the instructions never explicitly say that I needed to download an app from iTunes or the android equivalent. Instead there is a QR Code given and to be honest I am not too sure how that works. The scales are £49.95 which is a little more than I would like to pay but you have to see that the scales do a lot for their money and if you need the motivation or reliable data to track your weight then I would highly recommend these.
These are not just your normal bathroom scales. I really like the fact that these scales are able to give you more information about what your body so you can understand your body and identify the parts you need to change or improve. I am so glad that I was given the opportunity to be able to work with Beets BLU and receive this amazing product, it really has given me the motivation that I need to improve my overall being. If you are in a plateau or need some motivation to make improvements to your lifestyle then this is the product for you.