Would You Wear Pyjamas on the School Run?

Would you wear pyjamas on the school run?
I read an article today that was circulating about a primary school head teacher asking parents to stop coming to school in their pyjamas and slippers in a bid to raise standards among pupils. You can read the full article here...but is this teacher actually kidding?

Even though my daughter is not of a school age yet and I know I would be all for setting standards but does it really matter if a parent does the school run in their pyjamas? How I see it is being a parent is hard as it is and can become more stressful the older they get and the more you have. I think that the head teacher should be bloody cheering from the rooftops that a parents have actually got their little ones to school on time and in their uniform. Hell I would cheer if I could get out the door without my little lady having a tantrum!

I know whenever  we are trying to be organised in getting ready to be out the door by a certain time of the morning doesn't always go to plan, normally the little lady decides to poop or dribble down herself. Bloody typical and it happens every time, she must know that I don't actually want to arrive early for that appointment. Being late is our 'thing' now and despite a parents best intentions it can go tits up! I am so sure that this will continue throughout her childhood, I have to face up to the fact that our mornings will be a rush and stressful without remembering to dress appropriately for the school run!

I am sure that by dressing 'appropriately' would be setting a good example but they also need to learn that being an parent is hard work and sometimes you think oh bugger it, I will be quick! I don't think parents dressing appropriately and making sure they don't look like a lazy sod will effect a child and their education...some children probably wouldn't even notice and those teachers are probably envious because they want to be in their pyjamas!!! More importantly there is nothing wrong with not being perfect all the time. Life is hard. What does matter is that at least your child is in school, in uniform even if you are in mismatched pyjamas with frizzy hair. Have a great day and rock those pyjamas tomorrow morning!!!


  1. I'd read this article as well, plus all the outraged comments that went with it various circulations on Facebook. Now I've only got one, and he's still at nursery, but on more than one occasion I've only bothered to pull on tracky bottoms and a tshirt, is that honestly different to jammies? Parenting is tough and I can't help but think the same way you do, that this is an issue that is really insignificant in the grand scheme of things #BloggerClubUK

    1. I will make a confession now I literally live in tracky bottoms when I am at home. Lol. Being a parent is such a hard job and I think if I received a letter like that I would have been annoyed because it's not about what I wear!!! Thank you so much for stopping by and for your lovely comments x

  2. I say I won't - but I'm sure it's going to happen at some point. :) It's better to take them in jammies than not to bother taking them at all! x #BloggerClubUK

    1. I agree wholeheartedly!!! Does it actually matter what I wear on a school run! I think that head teacher was a bit of a cheeky moo! Thank you so much for your comments and stopping by on the blog! x

  3. I must say I think it's all been blown out of proportion, I say each to their own and it's none of the head teacher's business what the parents wear and she should concentrate on teaching the children to the best of her ability.

    1. Oh yes definitely each to their own. As I said I don't have to do a school run at the moment so I don't know if I would go out in my mismatched pjs. But if I was to recieve a letter like that I would be thinking what a cheeky moo and as long as my child is on time and in her uniform surely that would be okay. But only time will tell. Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting on my post! :)

  4. I was debating this very issue on This Morning on ITV yesterday! I'm with you all the way! #coolmumclub

    1. I will have to catch you're debate! It's so silly though. Thank you for your comments x

  5. At least they're taking them to school! It could be worse ...!

    1. Exactly!!! It seems like their uniform standards have slipped and don't want to take full responsibility for it and have thought "oh yes we will blame the parents"! Thank you for commenting and stopping by x

  6. I totally agree that being a mum is hard and we shouldn't be afraid to let our kids see we aren't perfect. There have been occasions I have taken my kids to school in jogging bottoms too but I would never take them in PJs. PJs are house wear not outerwear. I think this head was right, some parents had turned up to the concert and parents meetings in PJs. I don think that is setting a good example.

    1. Yes I can see your point especially if they are attending assemblies and concerts in their PJs! Thank you so much for stopping by and for your comments x

  7. I'm sorry that your schools deem it necessary to set clothing standards for parents. That's just sad and I really can't see what the big deal is, as long as the kids are going to school. I can see parents showing up to an assembly being better dressed but not to just drop the kids off at school. American schools haven't set these standards yet but if they tried, they would meet with a lot of resistance to this and for the same reasons you have pointed out. It's hard enough getting the kids ready in the morning. I saw in the article that some stores require that you not dress in pjs and that a college also has that requirement. Again, maybe it's an American thing but we love our pjs. LOL! Our schools even have pj day once a month for the kids. Well, the elementary (primary) schools do. I live in a college town and many students will go to class in their pjs or sweats. Many people go shopping in their pjs too. Many people also go dressed up but it's not uncommon to see a lot of people walking around in public in their pjs or sweats. I think that in certain places and on certain occasions we should dress more appropriately but the school thing is just taking it too far. #coolmumclub

    1. I do think receiving a letter saying you have to get dressed if you are talking your children to school is taking the mick. I am entitled to wear what the hell I want!!! As long as my child doesn't arrive school late or wearing their pjs what's the issue? I did see some peoples point in terms of arriving for assemblies and concerts in PJs - that's just lazy. But a quick drop off come on. It seems to me as if that head may have a problem with uniform standards and feels the need to blame the parents! Thank you so much for your comments and stopping by on the blog. x

  8. I would never wear pj’s on the school run or any other outdoor activity. If you are really pressed for time some joggers, converse & tee shirt is just as quick & shower later. I don’t feel awake/alive until I’ve showered & dressed though so I always do this first thing even when the kids were tiny. I do think it sets a bad example but everyone is different & each to their own. #coolmumclub lifeinthemumslane

    1. Oh yes lovely each to their own. I just didn't agree with the teacher sending a letter out to parents I thought it was cheeky. But I can also see you point about the whole pjs on the school run too. Thank you so much for stopping by and for your comments x

  9. There is always a poo on the way out the door - I have no idea what that happens but it's a guarantee. I haven't worn actual pajamas to the school run but I'm often in "comfy clothes" so a hoodie & track suit pants - basically the same thing lol Thanks so much for linking up with #BloggerClubUK

    1. I love to wear track suit bottoms haha. I don't think I would wear my mismatched pyjamas on the school run tho. Haha. Thank you so much for stopping by and for your comments x
